Stewardship Season (Online Link) For by grace you have been saved by faith,
and this is not your own doing;
"A Thirteenth Month? With God, all things are possible"
Sunday Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
Church School 10:45 a.m.
(Child care available for Worship Service and Church School)
Wednesday Fellowship 5:45 p.m.
(Child care available)
Edgewood Presbyterian Church is a magnet church, with a unique ministry which draws its diverse membership from throughout the Birmingham metropolitan area. Like a magnet school, Edgewood's unique approach to ministry --open-hearted, open-minded--provides a refreshing alternative for believers and seekers alike.
Worship at Edgewood taps ancient church tradition, as well as contemporary informality. Dress ranges from suits to jeans. Classes provide access to modern biblical scholarship and contemporary theological thought.
We invite you to use the categories on the left to learn more about our church.
Our Mission We joyfully proclaim the Gospel of God's love. As a diverse and inclusive community of believers, we celebrate our unity in Christ. We believe we are called to compassionate service in our congregation, in our community and in the world. We invite all who want to explore the great mystery of faith and paths of discipleship to join us.
If you would like more information about our rapidly growing church, write to Sid Burgess Pastor.
If you have an item for the Edgewood Epistle, EPC's newsletter, please drop Rick Frennea a line.
Questions concerning this Web Page may be sent to Mike Wood.