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Fluoroscopy and Interventional Pain Medicine
"Deploying New Weapons in the War Against Pain"
Southern Pain Specialists is a multidisciplinary group of professionals committed to the compassionate understanding of patients in pain and to the scientific assessment, diagnosis and treatment of pain related disorders. Our Board Certified Pain Medicine physicians specialize in minimally invasive treatment of mechanical, discogenic and neuropathic conditions of the spine.
It is our commitment to provide the best treatment available anywhere. We use state-of-the art diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. This approach, combined with behavioral medicine (medical psychology) treatment allows us to return patients to their optimum functional ability.
Southern Pain Specialists offers an exclusive fluoroscopy equipped in-office procedure suite, which allows patients to be treated on site, in quiet, relaxed surroundings. Some procedures may need to be performed at local hospitals. The services provided by Southern Pain Specialists will relieve suffering for the patient and will result in considerable cost savings to the patient, employer, and insurance carrier.
1. To work with patients with acute and chronic pain.
2. To identify and understand the causes of pain
3. To advance methods for reducing or eliminating pain.
4. To help patients in pain return to more normal lives.
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5485 Atlanta Hwy, c/o Roots Salon, Montgomery, AL 36109