Dauphin Island, Alabama
"31 Years at the same location"
Dauphin Island Marina
251.861.5302 To book your trip
Dauphin Island, AL 36528 CapThierry@aol.com
Experienced and Courteous Captains and Crews
From billfishing for the magnificent blue marlin, tuna, wahoo & bull dolphin (mahi-mahi) to bottom fishing for huge red snapper, grouper and amberjack - to trolling for nice king mackerel - we have the boat to suit your needs.
We take tournament trips, multi-day trips, 24 hours, 18 hours, 12 hours, 11 hours, 10 hours, 8 hours and 5 hour trips.
Everything for fishing is furnished, including licenses. You bring your food and drinks iced down in coolers.
Fish cleaning services are available upon request.
Large or small groups or individual prices.
Check Capt. Mike's Fishing Report for up to date Fishing and Weather Reports!
Located on Dauphin Island, Alabama
South of I-10 on Hwy 193
Just as you get off the Dauphin Island bridge