Dean's Florist located in Florence, AL 35630. Providing only the finest flowers for your special occasion.
Softly colored pink, lavender and white roses make up our Elegant Rose Wishes arrangement, a perfect gift for anyone special! Expertly gathered in a Windsor open weave vase, this arrangement measures approximately 14"H x 9"W x 9"D.
Loving Lilies & Roses
Weddings & Special Events
Welcome to Lee and Lan Florist in Montgomer, Alabama. We have the freshest flowers for any occasion.
3365 Atlanta Hwy Montgomery, AL 36109-2794 (334) 277-8040
Atmore Flower Shop, your local Atmore florist, sends fresh flowers throughout the Atmore, AL area.
1102 E Nashville Ave Atmore, AL 36502-2640 (251) 368-2538
Auburn Flowers & Gifts, your local Auburn florist, sends fresh flowers throughout the Auburn, AL area.
1499 S College St Auburn, AL 36832 (334) 502-4567
Stephanies Flowers, Inc., your local Tuscaloosa florist, sends fresh flowers throughout the Tuscaloosa, AL area. Stephanies Flowers, Inc.
117 15th St Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 (205) 345-3074
Prattville Flower Shop, your local Prattville florist, sends fresh flowers throughout the Prattville, AL area.
228 Pine St Prattville, AL 36067-2516 (334) 365-7151