Core Plastic Surgery Welcome to our cosmetic surgery website. We offer a wide array of cosmetic surgery procedures for the face, body and skin – world class care by a world-class plastic surgeon. Our philosophy is one of highly customized personal service. Our team is experienced and highly-qualified, and we will give you a warm and friendly welcome when you come for your personal consultation. Regina Windham is our patient coordinator and she will give you a tour of our facilities and answer any questions you have about how we operate.
If you are interested in a breast augmentation procedure, you can choose either saline-filled or silicone gel implants, since the FDA re-approved the silicone implants in November, 2006. Many feel that the silicone implants give a more natural feel and look.. We also offer breast lift and breast reduction.
For those who have worked with diet and exercise to reduce weight but still have pockets of unwanted fat, liposuction is an excellent option. If you are interested in improving your skin or learning more about how to properly care for it, our skin care specialist is Beth Belter, R.N. and she will be glad to work with you.
Our site has a page of Before and After photos for many of the procedures we offer. So for example, from the text page on Facelift, you can go to the page of photos to see the results that procedure can accomplish for you.
Dr. Grady Core has an outstanding background in cosmetic surgery and puts a high priority on patient education. You will be able to get clear answers from him for all your questions. At Core Plastic Surgery, we understand how busy people’s schedules are these days, and how important it is to fit medical visits comfortably into the daily rush – and into the budget. Please see our financing page for more information on this.
At Core Plastic Surgery you will receive the best possible care and attention. If you would like to schedule a private consultation, please send us an email or give us a call at 205.282.4034. We look forward to meeting with you soon.