Dentist In Troy, AL
How good is Robert J. Howard is as a dentist? Simply ask dentists who are his patients. Many dentists from the Troy / Montgomery, Alabama area and their families come to Robert J. Howard for his superior ability to make a natural looking smile. Dr. Howard believes the best dental work is invisible. If someone notices how white your teeth are we’ll bet they’re artificial looking. A proper smile should blend in with the person’s face and create a work of natural beauty.
Creating a beautiful, natural looking smile others think you were born with, is the most complex challenge of dentistry. It’s as much an art as a skill. The difference in Dr. Howard's approach is his proven ability to create a beautiful smile that is functionally correct, healthy, comfortable and long lasting.
Dentists on every street corner promote cosmetic restorative dentistry. But what is the value of straight white teeth, if they are not comfortable, Look un-natural or don't hold up for years? Even worse if the dentist does not integrate the correct occlusion (bite) then it may difficult to chew comfortably and worse, may create problems such as TMJ disorders, chronic headaches or periodontal or endodontic disease? Integrating a beautiful smile into the complex chewing machine of the muscles, occlusion, TM Joints and functions of speech is no easy task.
Dr. Howard has invested hundreds of hours in post-doctoral dental education to master the necessary science to create a lasting smile. The quality, comfort and natural beauty of Dr. Howard's work is proven by many dentists and their spouses who have chosen Dr. Howard to restore their own mouths. A large part of Dr. Howard's practice comes from direct referral by out of town dentists, dental specialists and physicians due to his unique ability to create a natural, beautiful and comfortable smile.
For over 30 years as the sole Pankey Dentist in the Troy / Montgomery area, Dr. Howard has provided state-of-the-art advanced restorative, cosmetic, family dentistry focusing on excellence with a special emphasis on gentle care for fearful patients.
Our office is constantly updating our procedures and techniques to make every visit a painless and, dare we say, a pleasant experience. Family and Cosmetic Dentisty 8am-5pm, M-Th.