Payday loans have been around for years and, when used responsibly, have proven to be a viable way of meeting the short-term cash flow needs of the American working class. There are many reasons for using a payday loan to bridge the gap between paydays. Avoiding unnecessary charges such as NSF fees, late utility fees and long-term credit card payments are all prime examples.
Of course, no one desires to experience cash flow problems, but lets face it; life brings them at us on a regular basis. Emergi-Cash wants to help you close the gap between paydays with honest, quick and reliable service. At Emergi-Cash, you are a person not just not an account. Our main objective is to help you solve your problem or resolve your situation in the simplest most cost effective manner. Our goal is to make short-term cash loans available to all, based on trust, and our # 1 Priority is Award Winning Customer Service!
Local Television Commercials - Watch for our local television commercials coming soon to your area.
I just wanted to say thank you so much for the new rewards card. It is wonderful and truly a blessing. This will help me so much. When I found out I was so happy and I will definantly use your company whenever I get in a bind. The girls in the Selma office are so nice and are always helpful and it's good to know that you are willing to give back in times like these. Thank you so much!
M.H. - Selma AL.
*Payday advances should be used for short-term financial needs only and not as a long-term financial solution.
Customers with larger and more complicated credit difficulties should seek consumer credit counseling.
Say "Good-bye" to NSF fees with a short term cash advance from Emergi-Cash.
Don't let your utilities get turned off, stop the reconnection fees by paying your bill with a cash advance from Emergi-Cash.
Branches and additional offices:
(334) 514-98184662 US Highway 231 Wetumpka, AL 36092-3312
(334) 290-99893525 Highway 14 Millbrook, AL 36054-1834
At Approved Cash Advance in Loxley, we service our customers with pride and take care of all of their auto title loans, payday loans, check cashing needs.
At Approved Cash Advance in Ozark, we service our customers with pride and take care of all of their auto title loans, payday loans, check cashing needs.
At Approved Cash Advance in Eufaula, we service our customers with pride and take care of all of their payday loans, car title loans, check cashing needs.
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