Symptoms and complaints related
to the digestive tract are some of the most common reasons we take over-the-counter medications, prescription medication or seek
the advice of health care providers. Gastroenterologist, or "GIs," are medical specialists with extensive training in diseases of the digestive tract. Gastroenterologist can answer your questions, perform tests in making a diagnosis and prescribe the best course of treatment to help you feel better.
Supporter of the whole body, The digestive system supports the human body. It is composed of a series of organs that break down and absorb the food we eat so that the nutrients can be transported into the blood stream and delivered to cells throughout the body. more
How's your Digestive Health? "Good" digestive health indicates an ability to process nutrients through properly functioning gastrointestinal organs, including the stomach, intestine, liver, pancreas and gallbladder.
There are 3 types of nutrients. Protein, fat, and carbohydrate. Protein usually comes from animals and plants. Bean is the only vegetable with proteins in it. In foods like meat, they all have proteins. Fat is bad for our health if we eat too much food with fat. Fat usually comes from oil foods, like bacons and hotdogs. Carbohydrate is the last nutrient. It comes from the food like grain, bread, and foods made from grains.
Disorders & Procedures Colon Cancer Diverticulitis Crohn's Disease
Diarrhea Hepatitis A, B & C Irritable Bowel Syndrome Constipation