Welcome to the homepage of The Traditional Protestant Episcopal Church in the USA.
Whether youre a fellow Christian or inquirer, we hope you will find this site spiritually and intellectually stimulating.
First, though, you might be wondering who we are and how we differ from the myriad of continuing Anglican jurisdictions. For an initial foray into the TPEC and its beliefs, please peruse our "One Foundation" mission statement, our "Here We Stand" document, agreed to by the TPECs clergy at its November 1999 clericus, as well as our page of Frequently Asked Questions.
While this statement of faith identifies many of our main tenets, wed like to invite you to delve deeper into traditional Anglicanism by exploring our site further. We are distinguished by our triad of doctrine, discipline and worship so please join us as we examine traditional Anglicanism in its many facets.
Branches and additional offices:
(251) 928-125517280 Scenic Hwy 98 Fairhope, AL 36532