Covenant Presbyterian Church - Huntsville, Alabama
Our Mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who love God, love each other, and serve in the world.
We're excited about fulfilling our mission as we work together to show God's love to a hurting world. If you're visiting the Huntsville area, we welcome you to attend one of our worship services. You'll find them listed in the Sunday Schedule to the right. You are also always welcome to join us as we study God's word in one of our lively Sunday School classes. If you like it here, we encourage you to consider getting involved in one of our Small Groups.
Do you need some quiet time alone with God? Come visit our new prayer labyrinth.
Marriage Builders at Covenant
Marriage Builders are imperfect servants of Christ who believe strongly in God’s gift of the marriage relationship. Humbled by our own failures and stumbles along the way, we are committed to growing our own marriages, and helping others grow their marriages as well.
First Friday Book Club
Covenant's Saturday Morning Book Club is now the First Friday Book Discussion Group and will meet the first Friday of every month. The group will meet in the library from 9:00 to 10:30. You are invited to attend whether you have read the book or not. Come, enjoy food and…
Missed a Sermon? Podcasts are Back!
Thanksgiving Holidays - Preschool closed
Thanksgiving holidays - Preschool and Church Office Closed
Branches and additional offices:
(334) 821-7062445 Shelton Mill RD Auburn, AL 36830-2709
(334) 687-00331136 N Eufaula Ave Eufaula, AL 36027-5537
(205) 758-1193113 Hargrove RD Tuscaloosa, AL 35401-5053
(334) 272-11335 Arden RD Montgomery, AL 36109-2098