We are a community of grace, seeking to glorify God by worshipping Him, nurturing and teaching His people, serving our city, and proclaiming the hope and forgiveness found in Christ to all people.
Welcome to Decatur Presbyterian Church on the web! Our purpose for this site is two-fold. First, for those who might be looking for a church home we hope that as you look around you will get a taste of who we are. As you go from page to page, we want to show you what we believe and what we value. You will see we are a church committed to Scripture and a church that recognizes because of our brokenness and the broken world we live in we all need the grace of Jesus Christ every day of our lives. As you look though, let me remind you that all a website can do is give you a taste. If you really want to find out who we are, come and visit. We'd love to get to know you personally.
Second, for our members we intend for this site to be a useful tool in keeping up with what's going on in the life of the church and to be a place to look for spiritual encouragement and growth. Let me encourage you to bookmark this page and visit often.
At precisely 12:00 noon a few days ago shoppers at Macy's were surprised when 600 fellow shoppers (or so they[…]
You know that Jesus of Nazareth is the worst enemy of religion. What he said & what he did spells[…]
from the desk of the president... 147 years ago
Proclamation Appointing a National Fast DayWashington, D.C. March 30, 1863Senator James Harlan of Iowa, whose daughter later married President Lincoln's[…]