Here, on our website, you can find almost everything you need to know about Central Presbyterian Church: our weekly schedule, our history, who is on our staff, our ministry opportunities, directions to the Church, what we believe, etc. There are a few things you won’t find out about Central Presbyterian Church until you walk in the door: the sweet spirit of the members, our devotion to the things of God, our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, our desire to impact the world around us by demonstrating the Gospel of Christ in word and deed, our vision for not just being a building full of imperfect people whom the Lord has called, but a community that reaches out to those around us.
Perhaps this web site will be the beginning of your relationship with the members of Central Presbyterian Church or even the beginning of your relationship with Jesus Christ. Wherever you are in your journey we are glad you have taken the time to find out about us and we look forward to seeing you face-to-face.
Branches and additional offices:
(251) 432-05911260 Dauphin St Mobile, AL 36604-2546