Clinic for Rheumatic Diseases - A leading Autoimmune medical office in Alabama
The practitioners of the Clinic for Rheumatic Diseases are delighted to be providing rheumatologic care in Tuscaloosa.
For your convenience we also haveoutreach clinics in Demopolis, Fayette andSelma
We commit ourselves to the following goals and values:
To provide the highest quality of care in a family friendly atmosphere.
To always bear in mind that our patients are both physical and spiritual beings and have needs accordingly. There is no medicine more powerful or effective than prayer to our loving God.
To relate to those whom we serve and employ as people of dignity and worth, regardless of race, gender, creed, or socioeconomic status.
To attract well-qualified professionals and employees providing opportunity for achievement and fair compensation by creating an enjoyable yet challenging work environment.
To maintain provider training and resources within the clinic to insure that that patients receive state-of-the-art care.
To work within and without the health care delivery system with integrity.
To pursue education and research to assure excellence in performance.
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Branches and additional offices:
(205) 932-21851716 Temple Ave N Fayette, AL 35555-1309